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Priority Registration Dates
Other Information

Registrar's Office

Registrar: Marcelle Nordfelt
Assistant Registrar - Graduation:  Chrissy Ray
Assistant Registrar - Richfield: Gina Ogden
Records Assistant/Transfer Coordinator:  Jensen Tapp
Records Assistant/Concurrent Enrollment: Emily Burton Thomas
Registration Assistant: Jane Bailey Anderson
Registration Assistant: Avery Broomhead


The Registrar lists the dates for registration online prior to each semester. Students may choose to register online through the MySnow Student Portal ( or in person at the registration windows or Academic Advising Center. Instructions for using these systems are available each semester online. Students are strongly encouraged to see an advisor prior to registration each semester (see Advising below.)

Students must be registered for a class to receive credit. It is imperative that students check their class schedule through the MySnow Student Portal or at the Registration Office prior to the third week of school to make sure that they are officially enrolled in classes. Students must not attend classes if the official class roll does not include their name.

Students must make payments of fees according to deadlines listed in the Tuition and Fees section of this catalog. AP or transfer credit should be received at least three weeks prior to registration.

Course Offerings. Courses scheduled and advertised to be taught to students should not be canceled if there are less than three weeks before the semester starts. Exceptions to that policy exist for unforeseen exigencies and low enrollment numbers (typically at least 8) that do not justify offering the course. In either event, the Provost or Associate Provost must approve the cancellation. After the third week deadline, departments are responsible for teaching the courses they advertised to the students IF they do not meet the exceptions.

Advising. Snow College strongly recommends that students meet with an advisor in the Academic Advisement Center before registering for classes each semester. This helps ensure students meet their academic goals in a timely fashion. During the advisement session an advisor will help students select classes appropriate to their major, goals, and interests. 

Advisement is available in person, over the phone, or over the internet. Please call (435) 283-7313 to schedule an appointment for the Ephraim Campus or (435) 893-2211 for the Richfield Campus. Internet advising is done through Snow College’s Pre-Advisement at, or communicating via e-mail about major and educational plans. 

Senior Citizen Registration. Residents of the state of Utah who are 62 years or older can sign up for an unlimited number of Snow College classes for $20 per semester plus any course specific fees with the following steps:

  • Fill out the online admissions application and be officially admitted; and
  • On the first day of class request the instructor's signature on the audit card and submit the card to the Registration Office.
  • Registration is on a space available basis.
  • Classes can be taken on an auditing basis only, not for credit.
  • Students are responsible for any fees and expenses that may be attached to a class, such as books and lab fees.

Student Class Schedule Responsibility

It is the student's responsibility to ensure the accuracy of a class schedule. Check for accuracy:

  • at the time of registration;
  • when a class is added or dropped;
  • if the first day of class is missed for any reason;
  • if a class is missed for more than two consecutive times; and
  • before the last day to add or drop classes.

Students may check their class schedules at any time by going to the Academic Advisement Center, the Registrar’s Office, or through the MySnow Student Portal. Students who intend to miss during the first week or intend to skip a first assignment in an online course are encouraged to seek prior approval from their instructor in order to remain in the course and avoid being dropped for nonattendance. This does not remove responsibility from the student to drop courses which they do not plan to attend.

Adding, Dropping, Auditing Classes 

Once a semester has begun, a student who wishes to add, drop, or audit a course must file the appropriate card with the Registration Office. Deadlines for adding, dropping, and auditing classes are listed each semester online. The student bears the full responsibility for acquiring the appropriate signatures when necessary and submitting the add, drop, audit card, or permission email by the appropriate deadline. Failure to meet this responsibility for any reason may significantly impact a student’s academic record, financial aid eligibility and student visa requirements.

Auditing a Course: Students wanting to audit a course will be required to add into the course first on a space-available basis only. An audit card must be submitted to the Registration Office for processing. The tuition and fees for auditing a course are the same as for registering to receive credit. A grade of “AU” will be given and may not be changed to any other grade.

Note: Adding a student to a class is done at the instructor’s discretion. Instructors are under no obligation to add a student to any class at any time. Students should be aware that in many courses it is difficult to make up missed labs, lectures, or assignments. Adding or dropping courses should not be treated lightly. Students, instructors, and advisors should do what is best for the student’s academic success.

Add/Drop/Audit Deadlines

Changes During Weeks 1-3. Students may add classes via the MySnow Student Portal through the first five business days of the semester or by coming to the Registration Office. Students may drop an individual class via the MySnow Student Portal ( until the Last Day to Drop with a Refund. 

A student may add, drop, or audit a course through the last day of the third week of instruction of any full semester* course by submitting a completed add, drop, or audit card to the Registration Office. Students may also drop a course during this time frame by submitting the Online Drop form found at Listed below are the signature requirements:

  1. Week One: A student must submit a signed add card when adding a closed class (full).
  2. Weeks Two and Three: An instructor's signature is required for all open and closed classes. 

Changes During Weeks 4-10. A student may drop a course from the first day of the fourth week of instruction through the last day of the tenth week of instruction of any regular semester by submitting the Online Drop form found at or by submitting a drop card to the Registration Office.

A student may add during this period with instructor permission under two circumstances.

  1. The add corresponds with a drop of a higher-level course that has already covered the material the lower-level course to be added has covered to date; or
  2. The student has been attending, participating in, and submitting assignments for the course to be added since the beginning of the semester.

The additions or switches permitted by this policy are those that will help the student succeed as a student and not those that simply prevent a student from receiving a failing grade for a course.

When a student drops a course during this period, the student’s permanent record will show a grade of “W” for the course. A “W” does not affect the student’s grade point average.

NOTE: Students are expected to attend all classes for which they are registered until the class is officially dropped from their schedule.

*Students should refer to the official academic calendar for the add/drop deadlines for courses offered during the 1st or 2nd blocks of the semester. (

Exceptions to the 10th Week Deadline. 

Exceptions to the 10th week deadline for adding or dropping classes can be made only by:

  • an appeal to the Academic Standards Committee; or
  • providing documentation of medical reasons to the Director of Disability Services.

Complete Withdrawal from Semester

Students are permitted to completely withdraw from the semester through the last official day of class. No withdrawals will be accepted once final exams begin. Withdrawal forms may be obtained online at Students must submit their completed "Request for Withdrawal from Semester" to the Registration Office. Withdrawal from the semester does not cancel any debt owed to the college and is subject to the published refund policy. Exceptions to the policy are considered by the Financial Relief Committee. Contact the committee chairperson in the Business Office on the second floor of the Noyes Building.

State Distance Education Authorization

The State of Utah is a member of the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA). Snow College has been approved as a SARA institution. This means that we adhere to established standards for offering post-secondary online programs in all member states. Snow College is authorized to offer online education in all states and a few territories with some restrictions regarding internships and practicums. If you are considering an online program that leads to professional license, please view the information about professional licensure. For more information about licensure for your state, please call Justin Thorpe at 435-283-7340 or email at

A current list of states included in this authorization can be found at the NC-SARA directory.


Administrative Drop

Students who do not attend a registered course during the first week of the term or by the second class meeting, whichever comes first, may be administratively dropped or dropped for nonattendance by their instructor. Likewise, students who are enrolled in an online course who do not participate or submit a first assignment by the due date, may also be Administratively Dropped by their instructor.  

Students who intend to miss during the first week or intend to skip a first assignment in an online course are encouraged to seek prior approval from their instructor in order to remain in the course and avoid being dropped for nonattendance. This does not remove responsibility from the student to drop courses which they do not plan to attend.

Instructors typically administratively drop students from courses that are full when available seating is needed for other potential attending student(s). Additionally, this option is used so that instructors may avoid having to grant a failing grade at the end of the semester for students who never attended. Students who attend or participate at least once and stop attending may receive a UW or Unofficial Withdrawal which holds the same value as a failing (F) grade and affects the grade point average.

Instructors are strongly encouraged to request an Administrative Drop through the Registrar’s Office as soon as possible, but no later than one week prior to the last day to add within each term. This allows a student to add into another course before the add deadline. Students who are dropped for nonattendance will be notified by the Registrar’s Office through their e-mail account.

'UW' Unofficial Withdrawal

Regular and prompt attendance is expected of every student. An Unofficial Withdrawal or ‘UW’ grade may be granted to a student if they had attended at least once or completed at least one online assignment but stopped attending or participating at any time without following procedures for officially withdrawing. A ‘UW’ is calculated as a failing (F) grade and affects the grade point average.

To avoid a ‘UW’ grade, students must submit an Add/Drop form to the Registrar’s Office by the Final Day to Drop a Course with a ‘W’ Grade deadline as indicated on the Academic Calendar.

Jury and Witness Leave (Students)

Students absent from school in compliance with an official requirement to appear for jury service or with a subpoena to appear as a witness at a trial, deposition, or other official proceeding, will be able to make up any missed schoolwork. This allowance covers only time while actually engaged in jury service or attendance as a witness, and time spent in reasonable travel to and from the place of such service.

Note: This policy does not apply when an individual appears in court on his/her own behalf.

Students excused for jury duty should keep their teachers informed of required absences and attend school during those periods when not required to be in court. Students must file documentation of jury or witness duty with the Vice President of Student Affairs in the Greenwood Student Center.

Class Load

If students intend to complete all requirements in four semesters, they should register for approximately 15 credits per semester (summer session not included). To graduate in five semesters, a credit load of 12 credits is required. Opportunities to take courses in a Summer Term can assist students in reaching their educational goals. Students should prepare to study a minimum of two hours outside of class for every hour spent in class.

Excess Credit Policy

A student may enroll for excess credit if the following conditions exist:

  1. Students with an admission type of First Time Freshman may NOT exceed 18 credit hours in their first semester.
  2. Petitions for excess credit must be submitted for consideration by the end of the first week of classes;
  3. A student's assigned advisor may approve enrollment between 19 and 20 credits without a petition;
  4. Petitions for credit hours in excess of 20 will be evaluated and acted upon by the Registrar;
  5. For enrollment in 21-25 credit hours, a petition form must be processed. The grade point average is a minimum requirement for consideration of the petition;
  6. A tuition surcharge will be assessed for each credit hour above 18;

Once students have completed their first semester as a new freshman with at least 15 credits and have a minimum grade point average of 3.00, they may petition for excess credit. Students must first meet with their Student Success Advisor and permission must be obtained from the Registration Office. Students requesting credits between 21-25 must have a cumulative GPA of at least B (3.0) or higher depending on the amount of credits being attempted and submit a petition for excess credit to the Registration Office. (Please refer to the "Petition for Excess Credit" form for cumulative GPA requirements.)

NOTE: Credits above 18 during a semester will incur additional tuition charges. If permission is granted, it is the student's responsibility to monitor their course progress and drop any necessary courses by the third week of the semester. Petition forms are available online at

Special Projects 

Credit through a special project may be earned if there is a demonstrated need which cannot be met through enrollment in a regularly scheduled course. Credit for a special project normally should be one to two credit hours, depending on the work completed. These projects are numbered 2800.

Special Project forms may be obtained online at  Unless approved by the GE Committee, special project credit does not satisfy general education requirements.

Semester Course Number System

0001-0999 | Pre-College preparatory courses
1000-1999 | Primarily freshmen or beginning level courses
2000-2999 | Primarily sophomore or second-level courses
3000-4999 | Primarily upper-division courses for Baccalaureate programs

Student Records

Snow College maintains permanent student education records for a minimum of 60 years. While we strive to maintain these records indefinitely, some temporary student information, such as attendance records, may not be supported beyond three years.  

Change of Name

A student whose name has legally changed and who wishes the name change to be reflected on Snow College records must submit appropriate legal documentation and make a request for a name change in the Registration Office by submitting the name change form and official documentation reflecting the name change. The name change form can be found online at

Confidentiality of Records

Snow College's policy concerning the confidentiality of student records follows three principles: 

  1. Honoring student privacy while securing the benefits of higher education;
  2. Protecting students and the surrounding community; and
  3. Complying with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)

The following is an abbreviated version of Snow’s Confidentiality of Records Policy. The complete confidentiality policy is available at here and here.

Students are required to set up a security passphrase upon their initial login of the MySnow Student Portal ( To confirm a student’s identity, students will be required to provide this passphrase when speaking to Snow staff or faculty over the phone or in other situations. Students are also presented with the option to share their information with selected delegates of their choosing. This can be a sibling, parent, spouse, or other individual. Delegates will be asked for their security passphrase when assisting them over the phone or in other cases. 

Under Snow's Confidentiality of Records Policy and FERPA, students have the right to place confidential restrictions on their directory information. For direct access to set up a security passphrase, grant access to a delegate, or adjust confidentiality status, go to

Right to a Confidential & Accurate Record

Snow College and FERPA afford students attending Snow College certain rights with respect to their education records. These rights include:

  1. The Right to Inspect. Each student has the right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days of making a written request to the appropriate official at Snow College (registrar, dean, head of the academic department, or other appropriate official).
  2. The Right to Request an Amendment to Student's Record. Each student has the right to request an amendment to the student's education records for information the student believes is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student's privacy rights under Snow College's confidentiality policy or FERPA. If the record is not changed, the student can request a hearing as described in the complete policy mentioned above.
  3. The Right to a Confidential Record. A student's education record is confidential. The College will not disclose personally identifiable information (PII) from a student's educational records without the student's written consent, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. FERPA allows schools to disclose certain PII without the consent of students to a limited number of parties. These include:
      1. school officials with legitimate educational interests;
      2. contractors or volunteers outside of Snow College whom the College has designated as school officials because they meet the criteria set forth in the complete policy; and
      3. upon request, officials from other post-secondary institutions with which a student seeks or intends to enroll.

(See the “Disclosure of Information” in the online policy notification for a complete list of the disclosures that postsecondary institutions may make without consent.)

  1. Right to Place Restriction on Directory Information. Students at Snow College have the right to place a restriction on the dissemination of directory information. Please see below for a more thorough discussion about your rights and Snow's policy regarding directory information.
  2. Right to File a Complaint. Each student has the right the file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Snow College to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202

Statute of Limitations

Students wishing to appeal their academic records must do so within twelve (12) months from the time the record was established.

Directory Information and Disclosure:

Directory Information 

Though directory information is included in personally identifiable information (PII), FERPA treats directory information differently than other PII. Under FERPA, the College may disclose directory information to third parties and may define what “directory information” is. 34 CFR §99.31(a)(11). To provide greater protection to the student, Snow College does not define “directory information” as broadly as the U.S. Department of Education's regulations allow. Snow has limited directory information, which may be disclosed to third parties, to the following:

  • Student's full name(s);
  • Addresses;
  • Telephone number(s);
  • Email addresses;
  • Degrees, honors, and awards received;
  • Enrollment status;
  • Dates of attendance;
  • Participation in officially recognized activities/ sports; and
  • Athletes' heights and weights

All directory information listed above may be disclosed to third parties, but Snow will only do so if the requesting party shows a legitimate educational or financial purpose for the information.

Requests for Directory Information 

Snow College will not disclose directory information to any person, organization, or agency that does not have a legitimate purpose for the disclosure of those records. Snow only recognizes educational, employment, and financial aid purposes as being legitimate reasons to disclose the directory information of its students to third parties. To obtain directory information, please provide a signed copy of the Directory Information Request Form to the Registrar’s Office. Please briefly articulate what the legitimate purpose is, how the disclosure will benefit the student, and how the information will be used.

Record of Certain Disclosures

FERPA permits the disclosure of PII from students’ education records without consent of the student if the disclosure meets certain conditions found in 34 CFR §99.31 of the FERPA regulations. Except for disclosures to school officials, disclosures related to some judicial orders or lawfully issued subpoenas, disclosures of directory information, and disclosures to the student, 34 CFR §99.32 requires the institution to record the disclosure. Eligible students have a right to inspect and review the record of disclosures pertaining to their records. 

Transcript Requests

Official transcripts are protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). It is against the law to release grades or transcripts over the phone.

Obtaining a Transcript
  1. Go to
  2. Select Snow College and click Submit
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete your transcript request
  4. Most transcript requests will be processed within 24 hours*

*If you attended classes before or around 1986, or attended Sevier Valley Technical Center, please indicate this on your transcript order. Transcript processing time may exceed 24 hours.

Transcript Order Cost

Mailed Transcript = $7.50
Electronic Transcript = $8.50
FedEx/United States = $42.50
Note: The Registrar's Office will not release any transcripts for students who have a hold on their account. Holds must be resolved before an order may be processed. Please contact the Registrar's Office for assistance.

Registrar's Office Contact Information: 
Snow College Registrar's Office
ATTN:  Transcripts
150 College Avenue
Ephraim, UT 84627

Phone: 435.283.7230
FAX:     435.283.7149

Grade System

The current grade system consists of the following:

Letter  Description (Point Value)
A         Excellent (4.0)
A-        Excellent (3.7)
B+       Above Average (3.3)
B         Above Average (3.0)
B-        Above Average (2.7)
C+       Average (2.3)
C         Average (2.0)
C-        Below Average (1.7)
D+       Below Average (1.3)
D         Below Average (1.0)
D-        Below Average (0.7)
F          Failing (0.0)       
I           Incomplete     
IE        Incomplete Expired (0.0) 
P          Pass
F          Fail (0.0)
CR       Credit (does not affect GPA)
NC      No Credit (does not affect GPA)
AU      Audit (does not affect GPA)
W        Withdrawal (does not affect GPA)   
UW     Unofficial Withdrawal (0.0)

Academic Honors-Dean’s List

To be placed on the semester Dean’s List, a student must do the following:

  1. complete a program of at least 15 hours of Snow College credit numbered 1000 or above during the semester (transfer credit does not apply); and
  2. have a B+ (3.50) or better GPA for that semester.

A student maintaining a B+ (3.50) or better cumulative GPA at graduation will graduate with honors. 

Grade Reports

Official grades for each semester may be accessed through the MySnow Student Portal. Grades viewed on Canvas are NOT considered official.

Incomplete Grades

An Incomplete “I” grade may be given if students have completed a substantial portion of the required class work (typically 70% or more) but are unable to complete the work for a legitimate reason (e.g., illness, accident).

Incomplete Grade Agreements must be submitted to the Registration Office by the instructor no later than six weeks after the term has ended. The maximum time to complete the work is 12 months from the end of the semester in which the “I” was assigned unless otherwise specified in the Incomplete Grade Agreement. A failing grade of "IE" (Incomplete Expired) will be recorded if work is not submitted by the specified date. A Grade Change Request form should be submitted to the Registration Office by the instructor when a final grade is assigned. An incomplete may not be completed by registering for the class in another semester.

Incomplete Grade Agreements indicating work completed and work to be completed must be signed by the student, instructor, and the department dean, and turned into the Registrar’s Office.

Grade Changes/Appeals

Grade changes are generally made only when the instructor has made a clerical error in computing or recording grades or when a student has completed necessary work for an incomplete grade. The instructor should submit an official grade change form and gather the appropriate approval signatures before sending it to the Registrar’s Office.

If a student is dissatisfied with a grade s/he is assigned for a course, or with other class-related issues, the student has the right to appeal. The student should first contact the instructor of the course and attempt to resolve the matter. If after speaking with the instructor the student still has concerns, the student should speak to the department chair. If the student still remains dissatisfied, he/she may contact the dean of the division which sponsored the course in question. The dean shall make an effort to resolve the dispute through whatever means he/she deems appropriate. The results of the review of the disputed issue by the dean shall be documented in writing and copies sent to the student and to the instructor. If either party is not satisfied with the dean’s response, the next level of appeal is to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. The vice president will then form an ad hoc committee to review the case consisting of three faculty members (selected by the Faculty Senate), three students (selected by the Student Body President), and chaired by the Vice President for Academic Affairs (who will vote only in the case of a tie). No dispute will be considered later than one year following the end of the course in question.

Students should be aware that it is rare for colleges and universities to change faculty-assigned grades without the consent of the instructor. Therefore, students should make their best effort to resolve their disputes with the instructor and the dean before appealing to the Vice President of Academic Affairs.


Snow College will determine student residency in accordance with Utah Law and the policy of the State Board of Regents. Please see policy R512 on the Board's policy webpage for the Board's current policy.

Resident tuition applies to permanent residents of the State of Utah. Students must be able to show intent of becoming a Utah resident before an application for residency may be filed. International students on temporary visas do not have the ability to become Utah residents for tuition purposes.

Applicants for resident classification should complete an Application for Residency, available online, at The application, including all supporting documents, must be submitted by the end of the third week of the semester for which residency is requested. Late applications will be considered for the next applicable semester. Specific questions should be directed to the Registrar's Office.

Other Information

Classification of Students

Snow College students are classified as follows:

  • Freshmen: 0-29.5 earned credits
  • Sophomores: 30-59.5 earned credits
  • Juniors: 60-89.5 earned credits
  • Seniors: 90+ earned credits